Our Services

Lotus Vet Team
Degenerative means deterioration of tissues that become functionally useless. Myelopathy means disease of the spinal cord. The spinal cord is the accumulation of groups of nerves transporting informat...
In the body, balance is controlled by the ears (vestibular receptors of the inner ear) working together with specific areas of the brain. Together they represent the vestibular system. A problem affec...
Hookworms—specifically, Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma brasiliense, and Unicinaria stenocephala—are among the most common parasitic infections in dogs, along with roundworms, tapeworms and whipworms...
Physical Rehabilitation (PR) is a critical part of successful healing from neurologic disease. This is true in human medicine and also in veterinary medicine. It is important, when developing a PR pro...