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Chemotherapy works by damaging rapidly growing cells. Cancer cells are rapidly growing and often cannot repair the damage caused by chemotherapy drugs. Side effects, when they occur, are a result of the chemotherapy contacting normal rapidly growing cells within the body, such as the bone marrow, which continually produces blood cells, and the lining cells in the intestinal tract.
Pyoderma is defined as a bacterial skin infection. Pyoderma may also be referred to as impetigo, especially in young puppies. The most common clinical signs associated with pyoderma are papules or pustules that form on the skin. These lesions often look similar to pimples in humans. They are most often red and raised, with a white pus-filled center.
Hemangiosarcoma (HSA; angiosarcoma or malignant hemangioendothelioma) is an extremely aggressive tumor of blood vessel origin. Because blood vessels are present throughout the body, virtually any site in the body can have HSA.
Mast cell tumors (MCT) are one of the most common malignancies (cancers) found on and under the skin of dogs. Although certain breeds such as golden retrievers, Labrador retrievers, boxers, Boston terriers, pugs, and sharpeis appear to be predisposed to this tumor, any breed or mixed breed can develop MCT.
In the body, balance is controlled by the ears (vestibular receptors of the inner ear) working together with specific areas of the brain. Together they represent the vestibular system. A problem affecting the vestibular system will cause loss of balance manifested by a head tilt, a large base stance, and a tendency to fall to the side or to roll or to walk in tight circles.
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